ธุรกิจไม้สับ ไม้ชิพ เชื้อเพลิง พลังงานทดแทน wood chips thailand
ไม้สับ เชื้อเพลิง หรือ ไม้ชิพ เชื้อเพลิง กากอ้อย ธุรกิจพลังงานทดแทนที่มีอัตราการเจริญเติบโตสูง Wood chips are a medium-sized solid material made by cutting, or chipping, larger pieces of wood. Wood chips used as a biomass solid fuel. They may also be used as an organic mulch in gardening,landscaping, restoration ecology and mushroom cultivation. Traditional use of woodchips is as a solid fuel for heating in buildings or in energy plants for generating electric power from renewable energy. The newer fuel systems for heating use either woodchips or wood pellets. The advantage of woodchips is cost, the advantage of wood pellets is the controlled fuel value. The use of woodchips in automated heating systems, is based on a robust technology. In a number of cases, coal power plants have been converted to run on woodchips. This is fairly straightforward to do, since they both use an identical steam turbine heat engine, and the cost of woodchip fuel is comparable to coal. Solid biom